Top 5 Reasons to Choose Managed IT Services for Your Houston Business

A growing number of companies have been turning to managed IT services over the last few years, as the business world becomes more reliant on information technology. Small and medium businesses (SMB) are particularly turning to managed service providers (MSP) to support their growing IT needs, and ease the pressure on their nascent in-house IT departments.
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Here are the Top 5 Reasons to Choose Managed IT Services for Your Houston Business

A growing number of companies have been turning to managed IT services over the last few years, as the business world becomes more reliant on information technology. Small and medium businesses (SMB) are particularly turning to managed service providers (MSP) to support their growing IT needs, and ease the pressure on their nascent in-house IT departments.

Does Your Houston Business need managed IT services?

The ever-increasing number of SMBs embracing managed IT services has cast the spotlight on managed service providers. SMBs often lack the economies of scale enjoyed by larger firms, and the financial or technical resources that would help them to operate, maintain, and upgrade an in-house IT team. To help them keep up with the competition, and remain afloat in the business world, SMBs have to look to managed service providers for a way out.

Through managed IT services, your Houston business will benefit from the following:

  • A wide range of managed IT services for software and hardware components, developments in a server application, and networking at a flat monthly fee
  • The provision of a Wide Area Network, and full access to cloud storage and computing services
  • Immediate consultation and feedback from expert MSP professionals at a cheaper expense
  • Professional-grade knowledge needed for the maintenance and troubleshooting of special software systems
  • An analysis of your SMB’s key performance indicators to keep track of their progress, and identify areas that require improvement
  • The expedited IT service providers will lead to increased employee productivity and an increase in ROI
  • Provision of helpdesk services and Network Operation Center (NOC)
  • Best practice performance resulting from dedicated network administration, and centralized service ticket resolution

These are technical services that may easily overwhelm your business enterprise if you decide to go it alone. However, outsourcing some of these services would give you peace of mind, and increase your ROI, so that you can focus of growing your firm.

Here are top reasons you should choose managed IT services for your business:

Proactive IT management

Managed It service providers are proactive rather than reactive. They always seek to address potential problem areas within your IT system, rather than waiting for a crisis to occur so that they can come in to help. By so doing, they ensure they initiate any systems improvements so that they can operate at minimal setbacks and trauma. You get exactly what you pay for, and get the peace of mind to focus on other pressing areas of your business.

Waiting to respond to a crisis if and when it emerges isn’t a bad idea, but it presents various business-threatening challenges. A crisis may lead to user downtime, generate more crashes, and cause inefficiencies in the systems which may jeopardize the continuity and performance of your business. Partnering with managed service providers saves you from most of these troubles.

Gain access to newer technologies

Most SMBs don’t have the financial muscle and resources needed to keep up with the latest developments in the field of technology. Newer technologies are often expensive, and sometimes require an overhaul of the IT department, such as acquiring new hardware and software, or hiring more qualified personnel, or training the existing workforce. These processes require lots of money and time, hence, could be too much for your SMB.

Thanks to managed IT service providers, you can leave everything to the experts who can help your business keep abreast of the latest developments in IT. The IT service providers will avail the hardware, software, and expertise needed to enable your company to make use of the latest IT infrastructure.


The cost of outsourcing IT services is far much lower than equipping your in-house IT department. Equipping your in-house IT department requires purchasing installing and maintaining IT infrastructure. This can be quite an expensive venture of an SMB striving to keep up with the competition and carve out a niche in the market.

But if you can outsource IT services, you won’t have to worry about the hardware, software, and personnel that would be needed to render those services. In fact, you may even want to slim your IT department and free up extra labor for other responsibilities. This would lead to reduced operation, hosting, and overall capital budgets.

It is also easy to predict costs when using managed IT services. This is because managed services operate on a subscription-based model, as you will be paying a fixed sum of money on a monthly basis. You can then predict how much it would cost to use the services for a whole year, hence, planning for them accordingly, and determining if they are profitable to your company.

Better uptime

Partnering with a reliable and efficient managed IT service provider will give you better uptime than if you relied on your in-house team. Managed service providers have the facilities and expertise needed to keep your systems running for the longest time possible. They also have the experience and wherewithal to handle any emerging issue, ensuring that downtimes are rare, or don’t occur at all.

Lack of internal IT department

Your Houston Business may be doing so well, but may not have reached the level of sustaining an in-house IT department. Without the option to outsource, this would mean you would not be able to accomplish some IT services, such as cloud storage, email hosting, network monitoring, and backup and recovery. This wouldn’t mean well for your business since it wouldn’t measure up to the competition without these essential services.

But your business shouldn’t suffer unnecessarily due to the lack of an in-house IT department. You can partner with managed service providers to meet your IT needs affordably and reliably. In fact, you may never need an IT department as your business continues to grow.

Your business stands to gain massively from managed IT services. They are cost-effective, offer better uptime, and help you access newer technologies. You can keep up with the competition, and drive your growing business to the next level of growth. If you are looking for a reliable and efficient managed IT service provider, please contact us for more information.

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ChaceTech is a complete IT services & IT support company working with organizations in Houston and across Harris County.